Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Notes

  1. The process of Petroleum refining is called as a fractional distillation
  1. To prevent knocking in petrol engine, an antiknock agent such as Tetraethyl lead is added. Now in lead free oils it is not used as it also harms catalytic converters.
  1. Iron commonly have three forms, first form which is the crudest form is cast iron containing 2 to 5 percent carbon. Then there is steel which has 0.15 to 1.5% of carbon. Wrought iron is the purest form of iron having 0.12 to 0.25 percent of carbon. 
  2. On exposure to moist air, in the presence of carbon dioxide, iron is converted into brown hydrated iron oxide ( Fe2O3. 10 H2O). This process is called rusting. 
  3. Stainless steel contains 13% chromium.
  4. Acids are generally sour, turn blue litmus red and generally give hydrogen with metals. 
  5. An acid is a substance which furnishes H+ ion on dissolving with water. It is proton donor and an electon acceptor. 
  6. Bases react with Acids to produce salt and water. They turn red litmus blue. They are also called alkalies eg. NaOH.
  7. A base is defined as proton acceptor and an electron donor. 
  8. pH is negative logarithm of H ions. pH of neutral solutions is 7. For acidic solutions, pH is between 0 and 7 and for alkaline solutions it is between 7-14.
  9. Metals occur in nature as chemical compounds called minerals. If these minerals are used as the starting material for extracting the metal, they are called ores.

Notice typeDetails
Red NoticeRequests (provisional) arrest of wanted persons, with a view to extradition. An Interpol Red Notice is "the closest instrument to an international arrest warrant in use today." Interpol does not have the authority to issue arrest warrants in the formal sense of the word, as this is the domain of the sovereign member states.
Yellow NoticeAsks for help locating missing persons (usually minors) or identifying people who are unable to identify themselves.
Blue NoticeRequests additional information about a person in relation to a crime.
Black NoticeSeeks information on unidentified bodies.
Green NoticeTo provide warnings and criminal intelligence about persons who have committed criminal offences and are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries.
Orange NoticeWarns police and other international organizations about potential threats from disguised weapons, parcel bombs, or other dangerous materials.
Purple NoticeTo provide information on modi operandi, procedures, objects, devices and hiding places used by criminals.
Interpol-United Nations Security Council Special NoticeIssued for groups and individuals who are targets of UN sanctions against Al Qaeda and the Taliban. This was created in 2005 at the request of the UN Security Councilthrough the adoption of resolution 1617 and implemented through the adoption of INTERPOL resolution AG-2005-RES-05.
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